Sammy & Ralph - Coombe Lodge Blagdon - Bristol Wedding
Why did you choose Yeti?
Initially we really liked your website and work. But since having a video call with you both, we're so happy that you both seem a lot of fun to be around. We also really liked that fact you don't leave straight after the first dance like a lot of photographers/videographers do, we would much prefer shots of people dancing and enjoying the evening rather than lots of 'getting ready morning shots'
You guys…what do you do?…how do you spend your days?
I work for Trust Ford in car sales admin and Ralphy is a regional IT manger for Experian. When we're not working we love going on weekends away, we love London. I'm a big musical theatre fan, I used to be in an amateur dramatics group from age 10-26, and since being together have introduced Ralph to loooooooads of musicals. Ralphy is part of a Volleyball club, and plays regular matches in the summer. Together we love going out for cocktails, we have worked our way through all the happy hours in Bristol, and Ralphy is also a dab hand at making us cocktails at home. We enjoy going out for meals and having friends round for meals/BBQs/cocktails. We have a lot of banter in our relationship - mainly at Ralphys expense!
The proposal. Tell me everything. (All the gushy details!)
Ralphy's intention was to propose in New York (we had a trip planned for my 30th birthday with my mum and her best friend Karen) when covid hit and we could no longer travel he instead proposed on Bristol Suspension Bridge. In the morning he suggested we go for a dog walk in Clifton and insisted that I wear something nice and paint my nails. (I didn't want to do that, as...what's the point!? its only a dog walk!) he was persistent and got out my nail varnish box. He rummaged through picking out all his favorite colours, he painted each finger nail a different colour so he could choose just the right shade then left me to take it all off and paint them all properly. When I came downstairs for our dog walk 15 minutes later, I was laughing as I had just discovered I had ran out of nail varnish remover so I would have to go out with my multicolor nails. Ralphys face dropped and said 'you're going to regret that' it all became very clear an hour later when he was down on one knee placing a beautiful ring on my hand with one blue nail, one red, one purple and pink!
Coombe Lodge…..Why this place above any where else?
We looked at 5 different venues, we loved the grounds of Coombe Lodge and especially the art deco windows (I had seen photographs of this and I just love them.
What experience do you want to give your guests?
We want a fun relaxed wedding, with plenty of drunk dancing in the evening!
Why did you have your wedding captured on video?
We would love to have a record of everyone that is sharing our day on film to be able to look back on forever. I'm hoping that when we look back on it we will see lots of people laughing and having fun, I'm sure on the day we will miss so much so it will be nice to have a 3rd pair of eyes to capture everything for us.